About Us
The concept of SWAFDE (Southwestern Association of Forensic Document Examiners) sprang from a discussion among a few document examiners who were attending an IAI (International Association of Identification) meeting in Los Angeles in 1981. These three examiners from Arizona; John Hale, Sandy Homewood, and Bill Flynn; thought that a regional association could fill a need unmeet by the established organizations. SWAFDE would be a regional organization that would value not just experienced examiners, but would embrace trainee and newer examiners as well.
The SWAFDE meetings would be travel friendly for the examiners in the “southwestern” region which came to span from California to New Mexico and Colorado. There would be two meetings a year to make it easier to attend at least one. They would be held at more economical venues. Trainees would be required to conduct and present research in order to advance in membership status. Members of SWAFDE would welcome trainees from other member agencies and offices into their labs in order to help enhance and broaden the trainee’s case exposure and experiences.
The nascent SWAFDE quickly gained a positive reputation in the field of forensic document examination for its dynamic and informative hands-on workshops. Examiners from not only the originally designated region, but other states and occasionally other countries attended as well.
SWAFDE has celebrated more than 40 years of such workshops and meetings. Some of the original concepts have adapted to changing times. No longer are two meetings held on the originally designated three-day weekends. Today, a single quality meeting a year is planned in one of the original states. The most important element of SWAFDE has remained constant. The members continue to work cooperatively to support one another and to provide the forensic document community meaningful meetings and workshops.

“…the vitality of any discipline depends on a constant influx of new ideas and theories. These we must get from the new people in our field.”
- Bill Flynn, SWAFDE Past President