Standards and Quality Control
Strengthening Forensic Science
National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) Organization of Scientific Area Committees
Strengthening Forensic Science in the United States (NAS report)
Forensic Science Organizations
American Society of Questioned Document Examiners (ASQDE)
offers referral listings of members in private practice, schedule of upcoming seminars, e-mail directories, and forensic linksAmerican Board of Forensic Document Examiners (ABFDE)
responsible for certifying qualified Forensic Document Examiners; the site provides information on the procedure for becoming certifiedSoutheastern Association of Forensic Document Examiners (SAFDE)
regional organization with membership based primarily in the southeastern section of the U.S.American Academy of Forensic Sciences (AAFS)
organization that includes practitioners and researchers in the many diverse fields of forensic scienceCanadian Society of Forensic Sciences
a professional organization with international membership
Journals and Publications
Forensic Science Communications
online articles of research conducted in many areas of forensic science
Forensic Equipment
Graphics Atlas
Reference for characterization and identification of traditional and digital printing processes“Computational Methods for Handwritten Questioned Document Examination” by Dr. Srihari
The American Institute of Applied Science letter that explains their Questioned Documents course does not qualify one to become a Document Examiner and that the Institute does not certify Document Examiners.
Leonardo da Vinci
See how the artist writes in reverseIndividuality in Handwriting
NIJ-sponsored research on handwriting identification and development of computerized handwriting comparison