Guido Amsel handwriting sample comparison inconclusive: FBI expert
Toshiba printer with erasable ink lets you re-use the same piece of paper
Calibri controversy: Why a Microsoft font could topple Pakistani PM Nawaz Sharif
Prosecution undercuts handwriting expert in Kansas cop’s murder trial
Apple investigating handwriting and selective touch recognition
The Guy Who Says He Owns Half Of Facebook Hires Nasty New Law Firm And Unleashes Forensic Experts
DUI Case Delves Into Circumstances of Santa Barbara Police Department?s Destroyed Evidence
The Smoking Gun’s story on the fabricated Tupac Shakur documents
Jail for woman who used DIY kit to forge dying mother’s will
CBS Can’t Vouch for Bush Guard Memos
Reports of Marcel Matley and James J. PierceDaubert successes:
Download Article about using DNA to tag inks.
Read a copy of an Order of the Court from a Daubert hearing in Wichita, Kansas January 14th.
“Author Unknown” by Don Foster
Read a review of a new book in which the author claims he can identify writers using stylistics.U.S. vs Van Wyk
This court opinion considers forensic stylistics expertise.